

The institute aims to offer the best possible environment and learning experience to encourage students to perform to their fullest potential for academic achievements. Students, teachers, parents and alumni play an important role in the evaluation, development and enhancement of the quality of this education. Feedback from students, teachers, parents and alumni helps the college to evaluate its service policies and make changes as per stakeholders requirements.

Our college is regularly collecting the feedback’s from the stake holders on different occasions on the curriculum as well as on the overall improvement of the college. Feedback is collected in different ways

Feedback is vital part of teaching and learning process. It helps the mentor to recognize that how the students know his or her subject being taught. This is a significant way a teacher can get better his/her teaching methodology that will finally benefit the student. The collection and analysis of feedback from different stakeholders assist the institution to understand the need of society and what other stakeholder foresee from the institute. With this aim the college has developed following feedback systems. The feedback are also collected from the all stakeholders by the IQAC through feedback committee and analyzed. From academic year 2021-22 College has adapted online feedback system.  After analysis of feedback, inclusive reports are to be prepared and will be communicated to concern teaching staff/ department head / examination In-charge / library /Parent institution/ BOS of University for their improvement. The report of the same will be uploaded on the college website.

Sr. No Feedback type Frequency in a year Objective
1 Students Feedback Once Design and review of Curriculum
2 Teachers Feedback Once Design and review of Curriculum
3 Alumni Feedback Once Design and review of Curriculum
4 Parents Feedback Once Design and review of Curriculum
5 Employer Feedback Once Design and review of Curriculum
6 Students Feedback on college Once College facility
7 Students Feedback on Teachers Once Teaching of the teachers
8 Feedback from Delegates As per activity On college facilities