Department Profile

                                Department Profile 

  1. Name of the department: English

Year of Establishment: 2007

Names of Programmes / Courses offered: BA (English)

Annual/ Semester/Choice Based Credit System: First Year to Third Year BA                                                               (English)Semester and Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)

Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments: B.Com.

Number of Teaching posts:

Designation Sanctioned   Filled
Associate Professors  
Asst. Professors 02   02




                                             HOD  DESK

Name: Ashok  Badrinath Jadhav

Qualification: M.A., B.Ed., SET

Head of the Department

Department of English

Experience: 07 Years

English plays an important role in our day-to-day life. It is understood by many people all around the world. English works as lingua-franca of international business, education, science, technology, diplomacy, entertainment, radio, seafaring and aviation. It makes the best works of world literature available to us in English. Speaking English language opens up opportunities for doing business and communicating with foreign clients. It helps us to obtain our dream job. Knowing and communicating in English has become need of the hour.  

Faculty profile with Name, Qualification, Designation, Specialization

Sr. No. Name Qualification Designation Specialization No. of Years of Experience No. of Ph.D.


guided for the

last 4 years

1 Mr. N.V Bhabad MA, DedSET Asst. Prof. Post-Colonial Studies 06 Years







List of senior visiting faculty:

Sr. No. Name of the Faculty Topic




Percentage of lectures delivered and practical classes handled (Programme wise) by temporary faculty:

Programme Total workload of department Total workload of permanent faculty Lectures delivered by temporary faculty Practical classes handled by temporary faculty
No. % No. %
B.A/B.Com. 50 50




 Qualifications of teaching faculty with DSc/ D.Litt./ Ph.D./ MPhil / PG:

           Ph.D. M. Phil. PG with SLET/NET PG
              –                   – 02



  Involvement of the teachers in various Committees in College.  

                        (Mention only the no. of activities)



Name of the faculty NSS/


Participation in College Committees
1. Prof  Jadahv  A.B  SDO  CO-Ordinator  13
2. Prof Bhabad N.V NSS PO 09







List of eminent academicians and scientists / visitors to the Department:

Sr. No. Name of the Faculty Designation Topic






Seminar/ Conferences/ Workshops Attended/Participated / Paper presentation by the faculty of the Department (only number)




Name of the Faculty Research Papers/ Seminar /Workshop Total Publication Books Edited Book
International National Proceeding
Mr.A.B Jadhav 00 01 01 02
Mr .N.V BHABAD 00 03 02 05


Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding:

Title of Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops Funding Agency Year Sanctioned Amount











Student Enrollment  programme/course wise:




2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
F.Y.B.A (Com Eng.)   113 84 96 112
     F.Y.B. A (Opt .Eng)   10 20 22 28
 S.Y.B. A (Com.Eng)   69 59 48 59
S.Y.B.A (Gen &Spl)   05 05 11 12
   T.Y.B.A.   (Com Eng)   54 45 50 42
          T.Y.B.A (Gen&Spl)   07 06 03 09
F.Y.B. Com (Com Eng)   40 33 44 37


Diversity of Students:

Name of the


% of


from the

same state

% of students

from other


% of




BA (English) 100 %








Student progression (Last Academic Year):

Student progression Against % enrolled
UG to PG 36%
PG to M.Phil.
PG to Ph.D.
Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral

·         Campus selection

·         Campus selection

·         Other than campus recruitment



Details of Infrastructural facilities:

  1. Library: Central Library Facility
  2. Internet facilities for Staff &Students: Yes
  3. Class rooms with ICT facility: Yes






Details on student enrichment programmes (special lectures / workshops /seminar) with external experts:

Year Title/Type of Programme Names of Resource Person(s) (External)


Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning:

  • Lecture methods
  • Power Point Presentation
  • E- learning Interactive teaching
  • Classroom discussions
  • Seminars
  • Assignments
  • E-books
  • Providing course materials

Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and Extension activities: 

Department students actively participated in the NSS and other extension activities organized by the college.

SWOC analysis of the department and Future plans:


Faculty members are well qualified and research oriented

Use of technical and innovative teaching methodology for student enrichment


No Postgraduate programme

Students from vernacular background

Students produce poor results in English


Students of English have immense opportunities in corporate world, education field, banks, LIC etc.

If more job-oriented coaching classes could be organized for the students of the department exclusively, it would give them good result. Add-on courses like Spoken and Communicative English Courses can bring new opportunities for the students of this department.


It is a challenge to generate interest of students, in an altogether new discipline (English Literature), who come from diverse backgrounds many of them are first generation learners from poor and backward families.

Equally challenging is to expose such students to the discipline’s course content, its diversity and coherence.